Saturday, August 9, 2008

Miss Ginger has a new Hearthrob!

If you're a regular reader of TFBOMGG you know she claims to watch very little television.  And if you have ever seen Miss G in photos or in person you know she is not particularly sportive.  So you may be as surprised as she is that she actually watched enough of the Olympics to discover a new hearthrob.  Of course she,  as have most of her countrymen, long looked at Michael Phelps as America's Olympic sweetweart.  

He's long and gangly,  and kind of adorably nerdy in an All-American Boy sort of way. He's got a 10,000 megawatt smile that belongs on a Wheaties box. And,  he can really pack a speedo,  if you get my drift! 

But,  Miss G is dumping el Michael for her new hearthrob,  American gymnast Raj Bhavsar.  He's got a beautiful face and puppy dog eyes that will make the world swoon.  And he's got biceps the size of Miss G's thighs!  Miss G has always sort of had a thing for men of the swarthy persuasion,  and this boy takes swarthy to new heights!


Oh,  and PS-  he's from Houston.  Can you just see the headlines now:  "Drag Queen Stalker Arrested for Harassing Olympic Gymnast at Shopping Mall".  It could happen.  I'm just sayin'.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Call Vicki Osteen and get Rusty Hardin's phone number.  You might need it when you get arrested.