Friday, August 29, 2008

The Latest

OMG!  The computer models have actually fallen into alignment! at200807_model082908d.gif

(Except the British one- what do they know- or care- about hurricanes, anyway!)  It looks like Gustav is going to head into Miss Ginger's birthplace,  Lake Charles, Louisiana.  She grew up there,  and even though it's a podunk town full of racist bigots,  it's her home and she loves it.  Fortunately (in this case) there nothing left of la Famille de Ginger in Lake Chuck except gravesites,  since big Bubba passed away a couple of years ago.  Momma and Bubba's house have been sold, so there's not a lot left in the Chuck for la Ginger except memories,  but that's enough to make her sad about it.  Many don't realize that Lake Charles was devastated by Rita a few weeks after Katrina,  but because the population was smaller and the visibility not so much,  it pretty much missed the national news.  A town called Cameron,  where Baby Ginger spent many a Saturday and Sunday with her bubbas and Daddy fishing,  boating,  and just having fun,  was totally wiped off the map.  I guess the good news here is that Gustav can't do much more damage since there's not much left anyway!

But at this point the G'ster has nothing left to do but head back to Houston and hope Continental honors her checked-in reservation.  Who knows what next week will hold?  You will if you stay tuned in to TFBOMGG!

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