Sunday, August 17, 2008

Miss Ginger Plays Master

of Ceremonies,  that is!

Last night,  ICOH held their annual P and P Ball at N and Out,  Boy Ginger's neighborhood watering hole.  It's not typically a drag venue,  but what the hell, right?  Anyho,  Miss G's dear friend (and former Queen Olympus) Tytania is honorary 1/2 Emperor of ICOH, and he asked Miss G if she would be his co-emcee.  "A chance to hold and microphone and the attention of an entire room full of people?  Oh, I couldn't! What time do we have to be there?!"

It was a fun time and we opened the show by doing a little number together.

She ran into some old friends including the incredibly handsome Mr. Roger.

But lest you think it all fun and games,  there is photo evidence that Miss G did perform the important duty of introducing the Royalty and dignitaries of the reign. (Doesn't she look like a drag braniac with those glasses on? Don't they know to use a HUGE font on a drag queen's script!?

But, she made it graciously through the 10-page titles they give themselves,  like

"Her Royal Highness,  the Wildly Deranged and Publicly Stupid, White-Tailed Moron on Whole Wheat Toast, Beer Drinking ,Cussword Slinging, Appollo Gemeni Mercury Moon Tiger Eating Space Shuttle Empress, Miss (insert drag name here)!

More later- it's times for breakfast with "Mom" and "Dad"!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Is this the gown?  I told you you would be drop dead gorgeous in it didn't I.  You look absolutely glowing, and you should be ever so proud of yourself not just for doing what you do WELL, but living a life of kindness towards others.  Congrats Miss looks like you knocked 'em dead.  Sue :)