Sunday, August 31, 2008

The Latest on Gustav

The computer models show Gustav just to the west of NOLA.  Not good.  There's still a bit of distance, however, and a 50 mile wobble to the west would probably spare New Orleans and cause damage to New Iberia, Houma,  Morgan City, and maybe Lafayette.  There are fewer people in those communities but none the less they are human beings who deserve to live their lives without a fear of nature and the elements she can throw out.  PLEASE pray for south Louisiana!  These people are my ancestors, my family, and my friends, They don't deserve this! No one does!


Anonymous said...

Still watching to see what happens. Praying for everyone and their homes....


Anonymous said...

The reports this morning indicated not as severe as could have been, we will pray that landfall is at Category 2.  Hugs.