Friday, August 29, 2008

Westward 'ho!

This thing is crazy! The computer models have almost all taken an extreme shift to the west,  pointing Gustav more toward Texas.




Good news for Miss Ginger,  maybe not so good for Casa de la Ginger and its current lesbian and feline inhabitants!  Actually,  la Casa is really far inland, and in a heighborhood that is called the Heights for a reason- it has never flooded.  Gustav can't possibly have a direct hit on Houston, because Houston is not on the coast!  It can hit points south and east of Houston, and follow Galveston Bay and the ship channel up into Houston,  but it will lose strength rapidly as it hits the shallow coastal waters in the gulf,  and then land, before it reaches Houston.  By the time it gets to Houston it will probably be downgraded to a Tropical Storm,  which is not necesarily a good thing.  Tropical storms don't move as fast as hurricanes,  and in fact often "stall", which is what happened with Allison several years ago.  However, Chez Ginger stayed high and dry through all of that,  so there no real need to worry about the house.  So, dear house sitting lesbians,  STAY PUT and don't try to leave in a traffic snarling panic!  AND DON'T YOU DARE LEAVE MY KITTIES BEHIND UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES!!!  My advice-  open up the bar (you know where it is!) call your friends (they all live nearby) and have a hurricane party! The housekeeper will be there before I get home so I don't even care if you make a mess!


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Wow, Gustav is all over the place. Good news for NOLA, perhaps not for Houston and your home. I hope all will be well.

I know it might be really hard for you to do, but PLEASE try to have a good time in New Orleans. Tough it out! ;)
