Monday, August 18, 2008

Miss Ginger Rides the Train- and Does Her Civic Duty!

Just so you all know,  Miss G performed a criminal act.  She skipped out on jury duty a few weeks ago.  Not on purpose. She just forgot.  So she got a new (and more demanding) summons that required her to appear again today. So she went to the Harris County District Court complex.


And sat. And sat. And sat. And didn't get picked.  She fell asleep for awhile,  and when she woke up her leg was still asleep and she was afraid she had deep vein thrombosis.  But it finally woke up.  And then she went back to work.

The only good thing about it is that,  for the first time in history,  the MetroRail,  Houston's only non-bus form of public transit,  was actually going from somewhere Ginger was to somewhere Ginger needed to be. 


The courthouse is about 7 blocks down Main Street from Miss Ginger's office,  and, since it was raining,  and you can ride it for free with your jury summons,  Miss G took the train one stop,  from the Main Street station to the Preston station.  It's a really nice train with a really smooth ride.  It's such a shame that it doesn't go anywhere more useful!  Maybe someday people will stop bitching with their namby pamby "NIMBY" attitudes and embrace the fact that they live in an urban city where public transportation is a necessity.  If you don't want a train running past your house,  move to the 'burbs! You'll probably be happier there anyway! Then we can expand our train system and become the modern city we should be, and it won't bother you one bit!

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