Saturday, August 30, 2008

Headed for Safety

Miss Ginger is at the New Orleans airport waiting for her 2:40pm flight back to Houston.  She'll ride things out a Chez Ginger,  and should be perfectly safe there. The storm could still go that way, but Miss G's parts of Houston are far enough inland to be clear of storm surge,  and high enough to avoid flooding,  even with heavy rains.  The wind and rain will be the worst parts for G,  so she's gonna get all the lawn furniture into the garage and curl up with the kitties to see what happens.  The last beig scare was Rita,  and we barely got rain from that.  This is even farther away,  so far,  but we'll keep watching!  Thanks for all the good wishes!  Watch for my updates!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Found you by way of my wife Beth at  Hope you make it out safely.  We were caught out on Bourbon Street in tropical storm (later upgraded to a hurricane) Cindy in 2005 and got out just before the air port closed.  

Loved your reference to the Clover Grill, we love that place.  Hope you make it home safe and sound :o)