Saturday, August 16, 2008

A Call for Help!

Miss G has  crisis- you see,  she was watching her DVR of

Sordid Lives- the Series 

which had recorded last week while she was in BR.  She saw all the way to the part where Bitsy Mae, Bubba, and Juanita Bartlett are sitting in the bar,  and the white trash Glyndora Roberts that stole Bitsy Mae's boyfriend walks in a says "Bitsy Mae, I gotta talk ta yew!"  It was the very end of the show, but the DVR stopped early and I never heard what she had to say to Bitsy Mae! Can someome help me out?  And yes,  that IS Olivia Newton John playing Bitsy Mae!

Bitsy Mae Harling (played by Olivia Newton-John)

BTW- did you not LOVE Juanita Bartlett's stack of laundry? I love Juanita Bartlett! She reminds me of so many people I knew back in Lake Charles, Louisiana!  Juanita Bartlett (played by Sarah Hunley)

My next favorite is LaVonda Jean Dupree , 'cause she tells it like it is.  LaVonda Dupree (played by Ann Walker)

If you have no clue what I'm talking about (welcome, napperdillygirl!), Sordid Lives- a Black Comedy about White Trash is a play written several years ago by Del Shores, and it is hilarious!  It was made into a movie, and now Logo Network has kind of "rewound" the plot line and created a series that takes place prior to the movie, while Peggy is still alive. Peggy was a corpse in the movie but in the series she is played by Rue McLanahan, of TV's Golden Girls.  And Lesie Jordan,  who plays Beverly Lesley in TV's Will and Grace is in it as well.  The movie had Delta Burke but the series has Caroline Rhea and I gota tell you she's just a good!  The rest of the characters are played by the same actresses that were in the movie, which is good because they are so awesome I'm not sure anyone else could pull off those roles!  If you haven't seen it,  rent the movie and start watching the series!

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