Monday, September 1, 2008

Things Appear to be Holding...

Here's a shot of the newly reinforced levee on the Industrial Canal north of the ninth ward.  This is near one of the areas that breached after Katrina,  and although this shot looks really gnarly,  the levee appears to be holding,  and the water that is splashing over the top is enough to flood and will drain off as rainwater.

Hurricane Gustav

So far from what we've seen on TV,  it's moving quickly so far and there doesn't seem to be a lot of flooding or catastrophic damage.  As it slows down,  that could change,  and he could begin to spin of tornadoes.  We're not 100% in the clear,  but it's looking like our prayers are being heard.

Weather Channel hottie Jim Cantore is in Houma, Lousiana.  cantoreHe's wearing funny glasses on TV,  and with his bald head they make him look like a bug.






While El Jim will always be the daddy of Gulf Coast hurricane coverage,  ever since Katrina Miss G has found herself enamoured with Rob Marciano of Fox News:

Isn't he just yummy?!  When Momma Ginger was still alive in Lake Charles,  Rob was the local meteorologist,  and was one of the high points of Miss Ginger's visits home!

Can you believe what's going on in the Atlantic? Hannah is a hurricane now,  and there are 3 more disturbances lining up behind her for us to keep our eyes on!  We're only about halfway through hurricane season,  so I think we'll be seeing alot more excitement this summer!


Anonymous said...

Ginger, we have on CNN, and so far, so good! It didn't strengthen as much as they thought, and while it's still scary and far from done, we're hopeful. Of course, I felt okay at first about Katrina, before the levees broke. :(

I heard that one of the levees protecting the Ninth breached in a different place than it did in Katrina--sounds like there will be some flooding there, but not as bad as 3 years ago.

Watching the waves come up over the Industrial Canal is just mind-boggling to me. Gen. Honoré is saying it's splashover, not overtopping. Is your family okay?

I hadn't heard that Hannah is now a hurricane. Looks like the coast could be in for a bumpy ride....


Anonymous said...

As Gustav move inland, there have been tornados over on the panhandle due to the rotation.  May the next storms miss the mainland.  Hope your family and friends are weathering OK.  Ken.

Anonymous said...

Hiya Ginger....thanks for your updates, I am so impressed with the coverage.  What bothered me most was the garbage in the water?  Who does that?  They said it comes from the sea (way out there) and it gets pushed forward with the surge.  They said people had called to complain years ago, and nothing was done...I just don't get it.  But then again, look at the side of the highway in any State.....just disgusting.  We went through Indianapolis for a band competition last year, and it looked like the city collected the garbage and dumped it all along the roadway.  Anyway, hope all is well, and I look forward to your update.  The kids said tonight (during grace at dinner), that they hoped your family was okay.  I've shared with them your fondness for New Orleans, and they genuinely care.  Sue

Anonymous said...

Hey Ginger, thanks for your comment!  I was more concerned with the "before" photos....but regardless....I hope I made it clear that I was in NO WAY insulting you or anyone else from New Orleans.  I love the diversity of opinions and am glad we have a place to air it out!!  Sue