Saturday, September 6, 2008

Bristol's Babydaddy is HOT!!

I'm certainly no fan of the Palin women,  but I have to admit they have FABULOUS taste in men!!!!  All the boys at Southern Decadence were talking about what a hottie Governer Palin's lumberjack husband is,  but that was before we got wind of Bristol's indescretion and photos of her uber-hot slutboy Levi Johnston.  On Levi's mySpace page he proclaims himself "a f--kin redneck" and threatens "if you "f--k with me I'll kick your ass!"  But as you can see by the following photos,  the McCain campaign cleaned him up and turned him into a suitable McBoyfriend for Bristol. 

I'm not sure why everyone feels so sorry for the Palins.  Clearly Momma was too busy feeding her "powerful woman" ego running for office to spend enough time with Bristol, teaching her right from wrong.  There are families who can make a politician mom work out,  but clearly the Palins aren't one of those families. When Bristol climbed into the back seat of Levi's dually 4x4 king cab for a little back seat copulation,  she was clearly thinking with her g-spot and not her brains.  And Levi has already proclaimed himself a snowboarding redneck.  Didn't she know "banging the Governor's daughter" would be the only thing anyone in the Wasilla's Burchell High School locker room would talk about for months?!

I realize this post will come across as very judgemental,  but I do believe that when people aspire to a career as leaders of our country they really do have to be on their best behavior!!!  History has made it clear that we expect to be able to respect and honor our leaders as someone who will show good judgement at all times.  Apparently one night when Sarah chose to attend a political function or something instead of staying home to see Bristol off on her date,  she missed a pivotal moment in this young girl's development.

And on another topic,  yes, I lifted the picture above off of a website,  and no,  I can't give credit to the photographer because now I can't find the damn web page again!! The RNC stirred up quite a controversy in blogland by their decision to use Heart's song "Baraccuda" at the convention,  after the artists had specifically asked them not to use it.  There are some who believe that the RNC was wrong to use the song without permission.  There are some who believe that Heart was wrong not to sell the rights to the RNC.  For what it's worth,  it's Hearts song and they can do whatever the hell they want with it.  Oh, and PS, if the RNC did use it without permission,  they could be sued.  But then Heart would just get paid for them having used the song.  So they might as well just sell it.  Or shut up about.  Whatever.  Does anyone even really care?  Miss G never liked that song much anyway.  And if it's never been done by a drag queen, it's probably not worth the vinyl it's pressed on.  Just sayin'!





Anonymous said...

Ginger, I was laughing out loud during your entire entry!! You go!

I've written a few opinions about these topics myself, although not as passionately as you have! Except maybe for the "Barracuda" brouhaha. I DO love that song, and I'm glad the Wilson sisters came out and said, "Nunh-uh."

Fergie covered that song...does that count?

I snag a lot of pictures from the Web, and if I can, I try to include the photog's name. It's not always given, and a lot of photos on political websites seem to be public domain or not attributed to a photographer. If I see something that explicity says to not use it without permission, I don't use it. A friend of mine commented that she once wrote an entry that someone sent back to her as "author unknown." She was appalled, and sent an email back with the link to her entry, and said "This is MY stuff!" Anyone who would plagiarize another's work is lowdown and dirty. Just my opinion, though!


Anonymous said...

I bet Levi's"My Space" isn't there anymore. I doubt if they will give him any space to "maneuver" in now! Dannelle

Anonymous said...

I am having a hard time figuring out where you stand, could you please not be so subtle in the future <LOL> :o)

Anonymous said...

And if it's never been done by a drag queen, it's probably not worth the vinyl it's pressed on.  Just sayin'!

Loved it! Well said. I raised my daughter who is now a married woman ( wish she wouldn't of gotten married so young, but that's beside the point). My proudest moment was when she told me the school would be calling because she missed a few classes. Worried I asked her why? I almost lost my stomache when she said she was at planned parenthood, until I found out why. Apparently a friend of hers had been with her boyfriend the night before and didn't use protection, she told me daughter she was afraid. Skye took herself and friend out of school to go get the morning after pill. She told me she scolded her and told her it was a stupid thing to do, if your going to have sex at least be prepared. At the time my daughter was 17 and still a do I know...because at 18 after graduating she talked to me about going on the pill to protect herself.

No I didn't condone my daughter having sex, but let's be realistic in this day and age, I would of rather of had her been prepared instead of an unwed mother. The fact she waited as long as she did told me I did the right thing. I always talked honestly with her and told her I would rather she protect herself. I also said when she was ready to talk to me. All it takes is for a mother to be open and honest with their daughter to raise one right. So what is that saying about Palin, if she can't hack it with her daughter how the hell is she suppose to hack taking care of Americas needs. (Getting off the podium now)...

Oh, by the way Beth's friend that had their writing exploited..(holds hand up) that was me...Seems like minds, love hanging with you. (Hugs)Indigo