Friday, September 7, 2007

What a night!

What a night Miss Ginger had last night!  It all started Wednesday night when the neighbor cat, Big Head Ted, sat at the back porch window looking all sad and lonely and cute and cuddly.  Now,  Miss Ginger can't stand a sad pussy, and, being the cat person that she is,  just knew she could cheer him up.  So, she spoke softly and offered her hand gently for a sniff,  which BHT obliged.  She stroked him lightly on the head, to which he agreed. Momentarily.  Then,  without warning,  she lept violently at Miss Ginger,  forcing her to let out a shriek that I'm sure was heard in Galveston!  He sunk his teeth, top and bottom,  into Miss G's bicep,  and shredded her forearm with his claws!  She won't be able to wear sleeveless gowns for months! Anyway, being a cat person in the know,  Ginger rushed into the house for peroxide and neosporin,  knowing that cat bites are notorious for getting infected.  It didn't help.  By the next evening,  our girl had a big red patch the size of a baseball,  and called the Dr. for a round of antibiotics.  The doc hooked her up with a next day appointment,  and told her if she got chills and fever,  or if it started swelling,  to get to the ER pronto.  Miss G was fine for a while,  but then after dinner: BAM! Body aches,  chills,  fever.  Ugh!  Her ever-trusty hubby loaded her shivering body into the car and off they went to the emergency room.  But of course,  it's only an emergency to Miss G.  To everyone at the ER, it's just another stupid queen with another stupid cat bite!  But Miss G charmed the lovely ladies at the front desk with her southern sweetness,  and they got her promptly in to see the incedibly lovely Dr. Jackson!  Not only did he give her antibiotics for the infection,  he offered her vicodin for the pain!  How's that for a good old southern boy knowing how to properly take care of a lady!  Anyway,  it's still red, swollen,  and hot,  but I'm taking my pills and laying low until I figure we've got this ugly bug on the run!

While I'm on the mend,  Miss Ginger would love to hear from you!  Click on the link below this post to add a comment of your own,  and let Miss G and her fans know what's on your mind!

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