Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Here's a new game I learned from a good friend!

My new "journal friend" in Germany turned me on this game called "Interview Me!".   She has emailed me 5 questions to get to know me better,  and here are my answers:

From: MssingMySoldier@aol.com
Subject: Fwd: AOL Journals Comment Added Alert ("Deployment Journal")

Okey doke. :) You can interview me, too, if you'd like.
1. What is the biggest challenge in being a drag queen? Definitely finding clothes that are large enough, appear flattering,  and cover everything that needs to be covered!  Thank goodness my Momma taught me to sew before she passed!
2. Who is your biggest inspiration in life?
My late mother and father.  They were so humble and loving,  and they allowed us each to grow up and form our own lives.  They guided us, but never forced us, and I think that's pretty special!
3. If you won $5,000 to apply to your next vacation, where would you go and why?
Italy.  I've been dying to go there and just haven't gotten to do it!  I'd take as much time as I could and "wine" my way through the country!
4. What got you started in charity work?
Lots of things.  I guess getting involved in the community first began as my job situation stabilized and time was more available.  I met a few friends who did this type of work, and that let to more friends,  and now an entire network.  We support each other's efforts and cheer each other on.  Although many of us belong to different organizations,  we work together with our groups to do what we can.  I get a good feeling from doing it.  It's opened my eyes to lots of different people,  and made me realize how important differences are to making a world for ourselves that is worthwhile,  interesting,  and, of course, FABULOUS!
5. Do you think you'll ever "settle down" or will you forever be a party gal?
I consider myself "settled" compared to where I was 10 years ago!  I have a great job,  a beautiful home,  a partner who keeps me grounded,  and a circle of friends that I could never replace!  I've been offered promotions a work  that I have passed simply because I don't want to leave the world I've created for myself.  I guess in a way,  that's the truest form of "settled".  So, as long as there's a party,  and as long as I can hobble through the door,  yea,  I'll be a party girl!

If you want to "interview" Miss Ginger,  click on the "add comment" button below and fire away with your five questions!  If you do,  she'll interview you back!

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