Monday, October 15, 2007

Sunday Knights

Miss Ginger pulled herself together and got out Sunday night to support Christopher for his 2nd annual "Knights of the Round Table" at the BRB.  Christopher started KOTRT last year as a reminder that HIV/Aids is still very much among us,  and even though people are surviving longer and leading more normal lives with the infection,  peoples' lives are still changed by the disease every day.  Last year Christopher invited HIV+ individuals to share the affect that HIV has had on their lives,  and this year he invited HIV- people whose lives have  been affected.  One of the speakers was my dear friend Sonna,  who took a moment to pose with me in the photo above.  Sonna works full-time with Legacy Commuity Health Services,  so obviously her life is affected everyday as she sees the impact of the disease.  She is an incredible supporter of the community and spends tireless after work hours supporting the causes and events that pull our community together.  Blame her for the existence of Miss Ginger, because it is largely due to Sonna that Miss G is out there in wigs and heels doing her thing!

I thought the show was great,  and Cravyn, Aurora, ShyAnne, Crystal, and Marcia were all fabulous! Unfortunately I had to leave a bit early because my Personal Assistant has a staff meeting at his day job early in the am!  One of these days Miss G is gonna hit the big time, and I'm gonaa fire that loser and hire a full-time assistant that only works for me!  What's a girl to do in the meantime?  I guess I'll get up and make my own coffee!  Love you all!

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