Thursday, February 7, 2008


Tomorrow is Friday!!!!! Yea!!!!   It's LUEY weekend in Houston,  which means Miss G will lay low and not be out in the gropey crowds,  but she does have some good times planned for the weekend!  She actually started the weekend last night with dinner at Boom Boom (a "must go" if you haven't been! Call me- it's 2 blocks away!)  Then we caught the "Tabloid Divas" show at Tony's CP with Lillian, An'Marie, Selena St. John, Marcia, and Regina Dayne.  It's a really cute professional show that's running Wednesday nights so check it out! Tomorrow is "neighborhood happy hour" at In n Out.  Saturday should be be beautiful so I'm planning to garden. (Sorry Sonna,  I'm gonna call you tomorrow and welch on the ptomaine fest at the Ripcord!) Then Sunday, it will be breakfast with "Mom" and "Dad", "Show of Shows" with Sonna (I caved in a agreed to go!) and  a BOTB Party where I'm sure to be the oldest and fattest person there.  So Monday at work I'll be my typical groggy self, wishing I had gotten more rest over the weekend!  But I'll party on while I can, for there will be plenty of time to rest when I can't! I'll post pics if I get any good ones! Love to all!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

BOTB Party?  A new fetish group?  What is it?