Friday, February 1, 2008

Back in the Saddle!

For those of you who have missed her (and you know you have!) Miss Ginger will be back on stage Sunday at the BRB in the first show of the new ERICSS reign!  The show starts at 7pm, so DVR the Super Bowl (you know you only want to watch the commercials anyway!) and come on down to start the season with a bang!  It's Mardi Gras weekend,  so put on your best plastic beads and come down to show your stuff for even more plastic trinkets!

Also, mark your calendars NOW for May 3rd, 2008,  when Mr. and Miss Mint Julep will be serving their namesake libations at the first annual "Run for the Yellow Roses" right here in Houston to celebrate the Kentucky Derby, Texas style!  More details to come,  but there will certainly be a Millionaire's Row,  Mint Juleps, a hat parade,  and the infamous infield!  You won't want to miss it so save the date now and whet your whistle for more details!

There's good news and bad news on the website issue.  The good news is that the computer that holds the software is fixed and working perfectly.  The bad news is that in order to fix it,  Miss Ginger's people (yes, she has people!) had to wipe the hard drive and reformat the disc.  For all you non-techies out there, (unlike Miss G,  who's very chat room savvy!) that means the data is gone from the local drive!  Luckily,  it's all saved on a remote server in HTML,  but some of Miss G's people were idiots and the files are a mess,  so the whole thing will have to be cleaned up before she can even begin to attempt updates.  She's probably going to fire the whole crew and start with a fresh slate and a brand new website,  so look for that in a few weeks!

Miss G's got to find music, costumes,  and routines for Sunday's performance,  so that's all the time she has for tonight!  See you Sunday,  and until then:  love to all!


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