Sunday, February 17, 2008

The Kids join Kirsty and Valerie on Jenni Craig!

"These cats are obese" according to Dr. McB at Neartown Animal Clinic.  "You've got to get some weight off of them in order for them to stay happy and healthy". So,we called 1-800-GO-JENNI and now Shelby and Jackson are on a slimming regimen.  They aren't very happy about it,  especially around snack time when instead of getting a pile of delicious little green fishes (they LOVE Feline Greenies!) they get one sad brown vitamin.  And the new food looks more like beige rabbit poop than they yummy morsels they are used to. "Animals adapt" acording to the good Dr.  We will see.  Now if Miss G can only find a slimming regimen that will work for her!

Not much else is new around Chez Ginger. It was too rainy for gardening this weekend so I have no pics of that to show.  Miss Tony kept me out too late Friday night,  so Saturday was kind of a waste.  Miss G's feeling so so this morning after a long night of Investitures, but she's off to breakfast in a few minutes with Mom and Dad and the gang.  A pile of greasy mexican eggs and beans should be just what the doctor ordered.  Okay, maybe the doctor wouldn't approve.  But it will make Miss Ginger feel a whole lot better!  Love to all!

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