Monday, February 11, 2008

No Grammys for Miss G

Well,  Miss G didn't win any Grammys last night so she didn't even watch.  She knew that Amy Winehouse chick was gonna win everything anyway.  Plus, Miss G was exhausted from such a busy weekend!

Saturday, while doing her gardening,  Miss G started to prune an old redbud tree that she has always hated. So off she goes to Lowe's and comes back with a chainsaw to chop it down.  Only it takes a really long time for one drag queen to chop down a tree by herself,  so it's only half chopped down.  The rest of it will be on the list for next weeks gardening! 

Sunday,  Miss G attended the "Show of Shows" with Sonna.  "Don't knock till you try it",  Momma G always said.  Knock Knock. I tried it.  Knock.  Parts were funny,  parts were offensive,  parts were boring,  and parts were just plain dumb.  I suppose it was highly entertaining to those who relate to all that.  Miss G just doesn't relate,  I guess.  She did see all her favorite drag friends and lots of cute men there, so it wasn't without merit.

After that,  Miss G accompanied Sonna to a speaking engagement at a "Bunnies on the Bayou" (BOTB) fundraiser.  Talk about a lot of handsome men!!!  And she knew lots of people there,  so she was much more in her element!   And free booze!  What's not to like about that????

With a full day of adult beverages down her throat,  Miss G was aweful hungry,  so off they went to Teala's for Miss G's favorite,  Shrimp Diablos. What's not to like about shrimp wrapped in bacon???

Ater that Miss G was beat,  so it was off to bed to saw a few more logs!  Maybe if you're all good and make lots of comments on Miss G's blog,  you'll get to see photos of the chain saw in action next weekend!

Love to all!

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