Saturday, November 24, 2007

Thanksgiving has come and gone!

Well,  Thanksgiving has come and gone,  and Miss Ginger has a lot for which to be thankful!  She's thankful first and foremost for the friends and family that shared her table with her for the special day! "Mom and Dad" where here, along with "the Girls", A and MA. Mr. Bill and Miss Tony were here,  and we shared a great meal, if I do say so myself.  The turkey turned out beautifully cooked outdoors on the grill!  I meant to snap a photo,  but I forgot,  so you'll just have to take a look at the cover of Martha Stewart Living next time you're in line at the grocery.  It looked just like it!  We ate way too much and had some great wine,  so everyone headed home to their recliners right before dark to hibernate.  It was a perfect Thanksgiving!

We've have rainy,  really cold weather today!  It's yucky!  Miss Ginger embarks on a new chapter in her life today,  and the change in weather I'm sure is just the first of many changes to come for her!  (No one panic: she's not having anything snipped or removed!)  Things will be different, though,  so watch the blog and I'll give you more details as I'm able!

How's that for a cliffhanger?


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