Monday, November 5, 2007

The Devil Wears Prada



My Blog friend in Germany just had a birthday (Happy BD, Missy!) and since her husband is deployed,  she bought herself "The Devil Wear Prada" on DVD as a birthday present. (You go, guhrl!)  It reminded me of my "TDWP"story, and I promised her I would tell it on my blog.

Before I was promoted to my current job, I had to go through a series of interviews.  2 of the interviews were with people I had previously met, but one was a phone interview with an executive in Atlanta that I had never before met. Obviously, I was more nervous about that one,  but shortly after Renie and I began talking I felt like we had connected well and that we shared similar viewpoints on how to run a business.  I guess she agreed because I got the job.



Fast forward to a week later,  when I arrive in Atlanta for a meeting with my new peers and superiors,  none of whom I have ever met.  We are having coffee and getting aquainted when in walks this woman who tosses her bag and wrap aside and begins bossing people around as if she is the Queen of Sheba. I leaned over to the one girl I knew from Houston and whispered "who's Miranda Priestly over there?"  to which she replied "Oh, that's Renie.  You'd better hope she likes you!"

Well, I guess she does because A: I'm still employed and B: I'm running one of the best increases to planin our division.

So,  maybe Ginger needs to start buying Prada!

Love to all.... especially Renie!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

LOL - I love it!!!!

People like Miranda and Renie fascinate me...I mean, you've gotta be awesome at what you do to pull off that kind of attitude!!

Just once in my life I'd like to toss my bag and wrap and demand my coffee!! (But I'm pretty sure my daughter would just look at me like I'm nuts, LOL)

Hugs to you and thanks for the birthday wishes!!