Saturday, April 26, 2008

It's Almost Time for the Derby!


Can you believe it's been almost a year since Miss Ginger was crowned Miss Mint Julep 2007?!  My, time flies when you're FABLULOUS!  Anyway,  it's time to kick of the search for candidates for MMJ 2008, and what better day to start it off than Derby Day?  The Kentucky Derby is famous for Mint Juleps,  and there will be plenty of those at our Derby Day celebration,  thanks to the mixology skills of Miss Marcia Mink Gill. If you REALLY want to do the derby in style,  there are a limited number of "boxes" available on "Millionaires Row".  For a $150 donation to Legacy Community Health Services, you'll get a bird's eye view of the festivities,  plus all the mint juleps or Barefoot Wine you care to drink! You'll be able to enter the horse race,  show off your bonnet,  and even "wager" on the real derby race,  so you won't want to miss this celebration!  It's next Saturday, May 3rd, starting at 2pm at EJ's.  Bring your friends, and contact Miss Ginger or Sonna Alton if you want to reserve a table!

Monday, April 21, 2008

Miss G Has High Blood Pressure

There. She's said it. Now she has to deal with it. So tomorrow, she goes to dear old Dr. D. to get the magic pills that will reduce her blood pressure to normal.  Not screwing around with diets.  Or excercize.  That stuff will come,  but you all know Miss G believes in instant gratification.  She wants her blood pressure down now.  So she's gonna get it down... now!

Dear Dr. D first noticed the slight elevation of her blood pressure during office visits over the last 2 years.  On the last visit he noticed it has risen slightly on each subsequent visit.  He suggested Miss G purchase a blood pressure monitor (shopping!!!!) and track it for a couple of weeks.  It's been consistently high ever since.

She's not at all surprised by this unfortunate health development.  You see,  her Dearly Departed Daddy and her Late Brother both developed high blood pressure at a relatively young age.  And even her Dear Sweet Momma developed it shortly befored she died of stroke.  So it runs in the family.  And we're not screwing around with this one!

Miss G does have one kind of funny high blood pressure story.  She once worked with a sweet southern lady named Viola,  who was of a specific ethnic descent.  She had high blood pressure.  But she never referred to it as high blood pressure, just simply "her pressure".  It always amused Miss G when Viola would say thing like "I can tell my pressure is high today" or "I have to go by the Walgreens and refill my pressure pills"!  And the funniest part of all: every day Viola sucked down a tablespoon of pure white vinegar.  Her Momma told he it was good for her pressure.  So she did it! Can you imagine drinking vinegar?!

Anyway,  Miss Ginger tells this story not to invoke your pity- it's painless, treatable,  and not capable of making Miss G any less FABULOUS than she is!  She simply shares the story to ask you: "Do you know what your "pressure" is?  Is it within normal ranges?  If you don't know,  go find out!  Miss G loves you all and wants you to be around for a long, long time!  She will be!  Hell, she already has been!

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Crazy Week!

It's a crazy week for Miss G and the Krewe!  For Miss G, the day job has her running all over town teaching, interviewing, and generally attending to business,  The Krewe has stuff going on 5 out of 7 days this week! That's insane! We had the ball presentation Sunday, an undewriting meeting Tuesday, a costume presentation Wednesday (that one is elective, I admit), the pricing party Friday, and the Garage Sale Saturday!  Whew! This girl is too old to keep up this pace!

Speaking of garage sales, the Krewe Garage sale is always FABULOUS!  For you local readers,  it's on Saturday am in Garden Oaks.  Give me a call or email and I give you the exact address!  You won't want to miss the chance ot rummage through our faded finery to find a treasure you can't live without!  Oh, and if you've got junk to get rid of,  let me know that, too!  The more we have to sell, the more money we make!

Have a fabulous week!

Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Life's Soundtrack

One of Miss Ginger's regular readers (hi, D!) blogged "The trouble with life is that it doesn't have a soundtrack."  Au contraire, mon ami!  You just haven't found yours yet!  Miss G's soundtrack plays constantly in her head,  like an extended mix by one of the worlds top DJ's!  It's maintains a really consistent beat (BOMP! b-domp bomp, BOMP! b-domp bomp, etc.) and then mixes in whatever is ambient in Miss G's brain at the moment!  Of course it's always with her in the car (thank you, Sirius  36 "the Beat!"), but even everywhere she walks, shops, or just relaxes!

Here's a funny story that didn't start funny.  In a 6:55am stupor the other day, Miss G forgot her laptop in the security bin at the airport in Houston.  Didn't realize till she got to Tulsa.  Ensuing grief and drama.  Good news is,  she was able to retrieve it the next day.  The funny part is that the office building where the TSA office is located has elevators that are mirrored on all 4 sides.  You know what happens when you stand in a mirrored box.  The reflection from one mirror reflects in the opposite mirror,  and even though you are all alone you look like a prefectly synchronized chorus line!  Miss G couldn't help but smile,  and her soundtrack mixed in the old Pet Shop Boys song "Go West", so of course she had to do the routine!

 Luckily, she was able to stop herself before the door opened,  but she walked off the elevator with this huge "I just did something silly" smile that would have freaked people out if anyone had been there.

Sunday, April 6, 2008

Thanks for the SUPER SHOW at EJ'S!

A BIG thanks to Alicia dos Amontes and Ronnie Siebert for hosting the show for the Krewe last night at EJ's! It was a great crowd and a great show! Perhaps the most memorable moment was the debut of Iona Karr and the Plush Velvets, with their hit rendition of Pink Cadillac

There's lots more picture on the "trannycam" to upload, so after breakfast Miss G and the staff will be hard a work trying to get the photo gallery on the website restored!


Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Upcoming Weekend Show

Miss Ginger hasn't even recovered from last weekend and it's already time to get ready for another!  It starts off Friday night with a Krewe Happy Hour at George- Your Country Sports Bar, and then the big event is the Krewe show Saturday night at EJ's, hosted by Miss EJ's herself, Alicia Dos Amontes.  Alicia is a great friend of the Krewe, and we always get a good crowd at shows that benefit the Krewe, so it should be lots of fun!



And be sure Saturday, May 3rd is marked on your calendars for the Miss Mint Julep Kickoff party, "A Day at the Races", celebrating the birthplace of the Mint Julep, the Kentucky Derby.  There's a bonnet contest, so get those glue guns burning! There will also be horse races, food,  and of course, a chance to "bet" on the Kentucky Derby! The party is from 2-5pm, so make your plans now and watch this blog for more to come!