There. She's said it. Now she has to deal with it. So tomorrow, she goes to dear old Dr. D. to get the magic pills that will reduce her blood pressure to normal. Not screwing around with diets. Or excercize. That stuff will come, but you all know Miss G believes in instant gratification. She wants her blood pressure down now. So she's gonna get it down... now!
Dear Dr. D first noticed the slight elevation of her blood pressure during office visits over the last 2 years. On the last visit he noticed it has risen slightly on each subsequent visit. He suggested Miss G purchase a blood pressure monitor (shopping!!!!) and track it for a couple of weeks. It's been consistently high ever since.
She's not at all surprised by this unfortunate health development. You see, her Dearly Departed Daddy and her Late Brother both developed high blood pressure at a relatively young age. And even her Dear Sweet Momma developed it shortly befored she died of stroke. So it runs in the family. And we're not screwing around with this one!
Miss G does have one kind of funny high blood pressure story. She once worked with a sweet southern lady named Viola, who was of a specific ethnic descent. She had high blood pressure. But she never referred to it as high blood pressure, just simply "her pressure". It always amused Miss G when Viola would say thing like "I can tell my pressure is high today" or "I have to go by the Walgreens and refill my pressure pills"! And the funniest part of all: every day Viola sucked down a tablespoon of pure white vinegar. Her Momma told he it was good for her pressure. So she did it! Can you imagine drinking vinegar?!
Anyway, Miss Ginger tells this story not to invoke your pity- it's painless, treatable, and not capable of making Miss G any less FABULOUS than she is! She simply shares the story to ask you: "Do you know what your "pressure" is? Is it within normal ranges? If you don't know, go find out! Miss G loves you all and wants you to be around for a long, long time! She will be! Hell, she already has been!